Plans and Pricing

Once-off Car Washes

Wash and Dry

Outside Wash + Tyre Polish

Sedan / Suv




Mini Bus/ Taxi


Basic Wash

Outside Wash , vacuum inside, perfume seats, polish tires


R180 / 190

SUV 5 Seater/ 7 Seater

R200  /  R230

Mini Bus/ Taxi


Machine Polish Wash (Privilege Wash)

Wash outside, vacuum inside, perfume seats, machine polish, polish tires


R350  /  R350

Suv 5 Seater / 7 Seater

R400  / R450

Mini Bus/Taxi


Valet Wash (Big Boss Wash)

Wash outside, vacuum inside, perfume seats, machine polish, take out seats, detail vehicle, clean engine



5 seater / 7 seater


Mini Bus


Inside Wash

  • vacuum inside,
  • perfume seats

Hatch/ Sedan

R90      /          R90

5 Seater/ 7 Seater SUV / 4X4

R100   / 120     / 120

Mini Bus/Taxi


Delux , Wash

  • Outside wash
  • Vaccum inside
  • Roof lining
  • Deep Mat Cleaning
  • wipe down
  • Polish tyres
  • Clean Rims
  • Perfume seats

Hatch / Sedan

R250      /         270  

5 seater / 7 seater/ 4X4 Suv

R300     /    R350/         R300

Mini Bus/Taxi


These are our once off washes. In order to book a wash, you have to book in advance as we want to appoint a convenient time for both us and the client so we are able to give you the best service possible..

Monthly Packages

Monthly packages are a Range of washes that you receive 4 times in a month consecutively on a specific day and at a specific time, if the client misses one week’s wash they will have to forfeit that wash as the monthly Package

Basic Wash Monthly Package

Wash outside, vacuum inside, perfume seats, X4

Hatch / Sedan

R700     /           720

5 seater/ 7 seater /SUV

R760    /   R850 /   R750

Mini Bus/ Taxi


Machine Wash Polish Monthly Package

Wash outside, vacuum inside, perfume seats, machine polish
Polish tires X4

Pressure Wash Sedan


Pressure Wash SUV


Time Frame

45 min

Big Boss Monthly Package

Wash outside, vacuum inside, perfume seats, machine polish, take out seats, detail vehicle, clean engine X4

Pressure Wash Sedan


Pressure Wash SUV


Time Frame

1 hour

2 Week Basic Wash

Wash outside, vacuum inside, perfume seats X2

Pressure Wash Sedan


Pressure Wash SUV


Mini Bus/Taxi


2-week Machine Polish Wash (Privilege Wash)

Wash Outside, Vacuum inside, perfume seats, machine Polish
Polish tires X2

Hatch/ Sedan

R600 / R650

5 Seater / 7 Seater / 4X4

R700  / R800   / R700

Mini Bus/ Taxi


2-week Valet (Big Boss Wash

Wash outside, vacuum inside, perfume seats, machine polish, take out seats, detail vehicle, 

Pressure Wash Sedan


Pressure Wash SUV


Mini Bus / Taxi


Terms and Conditions Apply!!

  1. The Monthly package is X4 washes in a month.
  2. Washes ought to be consecutive on a weekly basis.
  3. The monthly Package is on the same day and same time 4 times in a month.
  4. If you are not available for your monthly package wash alert us a day or two in advance for us to reschedule your wash if you don’t you will forfeit that week’s wash.
  5. Due to the monthly Package being cheaper If you are not available that week for your wash you forfeit that wash.
  6. No washes can be carried over to the following week.
  7. Monthly package washes are paid in advance.